Rossella Martelloni

Professional Certified Coach

In presenza
Tipologia Coaching:
Business Coaching, Career Coaching, Corporate Coaching


Business, Corporate, and Executive Coach with 30 years of experience in People Development, Change Management, Leadership Development, and Organizational Growth. Specialized in Coaching, Training, Mentoring, Assessment, and Talent Development, with recognized expertise in these areas. 20 years of experience in some Italian University. Author of 4 books on Development. Member and Coach in Manageritalia Association. PCC Coach ICF Certified – Forton Group (London), GSO Company (Milan). Certified Hogan Assessor (Awair, Milan). Accredited Coach (Humanistic Coaching School, Rome). Master in HR Management (School of Work and Organizational Psychology, Rome) and Marketing & Communication (LUISS, Rome). Degree in Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures (La Sapienza, Rome).

Business Coaching, Career Coaching, Corporate Coaching, Executive Coaching, Mentor Coaching (per coach)
Italiano, Inglese
In presenza, Online
Bologna, Firenze, Milano

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