Gabriella Alinovi

Professional Certified Coach

In presenza
Tipologia Coaching:
Career Coaching, Corporate Coaching, Executive Coaching


Classic, direct, present and welcoming approach; with lightness, thoughtfulness and listening, Gabriella offers her customers a safe and dedicated environment where they can express themselves, exploring their limits and finding the right resources to overcome them. Very direct in communication, she supports her clients to get to the heart of their objectives and to achieve the most challenging goals.
With energy, irony, frankness, and a mountain of experiences, changes, explorations, Gabriella takes her clients to move, definitely, forward. Moreover, she helps them to develop a way to consider reality as it is, being aware of prejudice but trained to not fall in their trap! Some experiences abroad also give her an alternative, multicultural view.
“When I’m with my clients, we open worlds of possibilities and change together: and, from there, there’s a wonderful view!”

Career Coaching, Corporate Coaching, Executive Coaching, Group Coaching, Team Coaching
Italiano, Inglese
In presenza, Online

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